Andropause is the result of low testosterone throughout your body. Learn how andropause can produce a profound and widespread range of symptoms.
Men’s testosterone levels gradually decline as they age. By the time men are between the ages of 40 and 55, they can experience a phenomenon similar to the female menopause, called andropause. Unlike women, men do not have a clear-cut signpost such as the cessation of menstruation to mark this transition. Both, however, are distinguished by a drop in hormone levels. Estrogen in the female, testosterone in the male.
Testosterone Deficiency
The bodily changes occur very gradually in men and may be accompanied by changes in attitudes and moods, extreme fatigue, a loss of energy, low sex drive, belly fat, flabby muscles and impaired physical agility. Beyond the loss of libido, the most noticeable Low T symptoms include excessive weight gain especially around the belly, muscle loss, sheer exhaustion, insomnia, feeling a lack of purpose, bursts of anger, soft erections, frustration and depression.
Testosterone Therapy can help! Testosterone treatments can help men boost their sex drive, increase muscle mass and lose weight – especially when combined with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, HCG therapy and lifestyle changes like a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.

If you think you may have low testosterone, then contact us at WellingtonMD to get tested and find out about your treatment options.