Andropause is often under-diagnosed because symptoms can be vague and can vary a lot among individuals. Some men find it difficult to admit that there’s even a problem, and oftentimes family physicians don’t always think of low testosterone levels as a possible culprit. However, when a man suddenly puts on enough weight to go up 2 pant sizes, feels exhausted and lethargic all day, has sudden bursts of anger, finds he has no desire for sex or can’t get an erection, he becomes ready to admit there is a problem!
Most medical doctors don’t have a lot of experience with Testosterone Replacement Therapy, so these factors often lead well-meaning doctors to conclude that Low T symptoms are related to other medical conditions (i.e. depression), too much work, a vitamin deficiency or simply related to aging and often encourage their patients to accept that “they were no longer youngsters”. Testosterone Treatment can alleviate symptoms due to Andropause (Hypogonadism) and Low T. New blood testing methods are available to test for low testosterone levels and there is increased interest in men’s aging among medical researchers. In fact, so much attention is being focused on andropause or hypogonadism that major efforts are underway to quickly share emerging scientific information with physicians worldwide.

If you think you may be going through Andropause, then contact us at WellingtonMD to get tested and find out about your treatment options.